
Feng Shui and the Bagua

Posted on July 18, 2024 by Derelle Ball

The Xian Tian Bagua represents the 'body' as well as the ideal harmonious balance of human and natural forces while the Hou Tian Bagua represents the 'application' or 'yong' (ie energy in motion and the potential for yin/yang transformation as human and natural forces interact with each other). 

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Posted in Bagua, Classical Feng Shui, feng shui and the bagua, Feng Shui Consultant, feng shui health, Feng Shui Master, Feng Shui report, feng shui tips, feng shui wealth, New Age Feng Shui

Debunking Feng Shui Myths: Why the SE Corner Isn’t Necessarily Your 'Wealth' Location

Posted on July 18, 2024 by Derelle Ball

Have you ever been told to place a water feature in the Southeast corner of your home to attract wealth luck? This piece of advice is common for those starting their exploration into Feng Shui, however this advice is also misleading and can potentially attract financial misfortune instead.  Read more to find out why.

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Posted in Feng Shui Consultant, feng shui for luck, Feng Shui for Property Investors, feng shui landform, feng shui luck, Feng Shui Master, Feng Shui report, feng shui wealth, lucky water star feng shui, New Age Feng Shui, Southeast sector, Southeast sector for wealth, wealth qi, where is my wealth corner

Feng Shui New Age or Current Age?

Posted on March 26, 2016 by Derelle Ball

Feng Shui literally translates as ‘wind / water’ and relates directly to the concept that qi rides the wind (ie travels via unseen magnetic pathways) and can be dispersed by the wind, and retained by water. So, the feng shui ideal has always been to attract positive (sheng) qi via magnetic orientation, supportive landform and the careful placement of water and yang activity.

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Posted in Classical Feng Shui, New Age Feng Shui

Can Feng Shui Make Me a Millionaire?

Posted on June 04, 2012 by Derelle Ball

 Finding wealth through Feng Shui and why the fixed Bagua map is not the answer

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Posted in Bagua, Classical Feng Shui, feng shui and the bagua, feng shui for luck, feng shui my home, Feng Shui report, feng shui wealth, New Age Feng Shui


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