
Feng Shui Tips to Attract Positive Energy and Protect Against Negative Energy

Posted on July 10, 2024 by Derelle Ball

Feng Shui Master Derelle provides Quick and Easy Feng Shui Tips for Enhancing Positive Energy in your Home and Protecting Against Negative Energy.

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Posted in Authentic Feng Shui, feng shui and the bagua, feng shui and your main door, Feng Shui Bedroom, Feng Shui Consultant, feng shui for luck, feng shui for your bedroom, feng shui health, feng shui luck, feng shui main door, feng shui my home, feng shui protection, feng shui tips

Determining the Time Period of Your Home from a Feng Shui Perspective

Posted on May 28, 2024 by Derelle Ball

When we talk about the Time Period of a home, we are looking at the combination of Heaven, Earth and Man energy coming together to form the Natal Chart of energy flow.  The ‘Heaven’ component is the timing of completion of the building being constructed, the ‘Earth’ part is the physical location and magnetic orientation of the building, and the ‘Man’ factor equates to the action people take when designing and constructing the building itself.

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Posted in Authentic Feng Shui, cosmic trinity, feng shui my home, feng shui natal chart, home feng shui, time period of construction

Feng Shui Tips for Property Investors

Posted on November 14, 2023 by Derelle Ball

There are certain indicators from a Feng Shui perspective if a particular property is more likely to be a problem, simply from the compass orientation of the building itself. Within the 360 degrees of the compass there are certain orientations that increase the probability of issues due to blockage and confusion of qi.  Having a regular rental income flowing in from happy, healthy and financially secure tenants is important for making a long term investment in property work successfully for the property investor and this is where the application of classical Xuan Kong Feng Shui can help (alongside having a great property manager ;-)

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Posted in Classical Feng Shui, Date Selection, feng shui, feng shui for luck, Feng Shui for Property Investors, feng shui harmony, feng shui landform, feng shui my home, Feng Shui report, feng shui wealth

Exploring the Four Laws of Ecology & Classical Feng Shui

Posted on August 25, 2023 by Derelle Ball

The principles of Ecology and Feng Shui, though rooted in vastly different cultural and academic traditions, converge in their respect and understanding of the environment. At the heart of both disciplines lies the recognition that our surroundings deeply influence our lives. Let's explore the Four Laws of Ecology and understand how they relate to the principles of Classical Feng Shui.

1. Everything is Connected to Everything Else

Ecologists have long emphasized that every organism, environment and element in an ecosystem is intertwined. A change in one area can ripple out and affect other areas. This interconnection ensures the delicate balance that keeps an ecosystem thriving.

In the realm of Feng Shui, the concept of Qi (transformative life force energy), underlines this interconnectedness. Just as water flows through a landscape connecting different parts, Qi flows through and above the earth and our living spaces. If the flow of Qi is blocked or misdirected, it can influence our health, abundance opportunity and emotions. By ensuring a harmonious flow of Qi, Feng Shui aims to establish a nurturing connection between the inhabitants and their environment.

2. Everything Must Go Somewhere

Barry Commoner, an influential Ecologist, proclaimed that there’s no such thing as ‘throwing something away.’ Whatever we discard remains in the environment in some form. Waste, pollution and any product we create, doesn't just vanish; it moves, settles and influences some other part of the ecosystem.

From a Feng Shui perspective, if there’s a significantly cluttered area in your home, it can stagnate energy, leading to potential issues in your life. The practice of Feng Shui, much like Ecology, teaches us to be mindful of where energy or items are directed or stored, ensuring balance and harmony.

3. Nature Knows Best

Nature, with billions of years of evolution under its belt, operates with a wisdom that human endeavours often struggle to comprehend. Ecosystems have a way of self-regulating, maintaining balance and ensuring survival.

Classical Feng Shui, too, respects the natural order. Authentic Feng Shui practices avoid trinket remedies and instead focus on aligning human-made spaces with the natural world. Whether it's by orientating a home to harness the best natural energies or by placing a bed in alignment with Earth's magnetic fields, Feng Shui acknowledges and celebrates the wisdom of nature.

4. There’s No Such Thing as a Free Lunch

Every benefit we reap from the environment comes at a cost. While we might enjoy short-term gains from exploiting natural resources, the long-term repercussions are often detrimental.

This principle mirrors Feng Shui’s concept of balance. Over-emphasizing one aspect of your life or space can lead to neglect in others. For example, if you overly focus on accumulating abundance Qi via the activation of auspicious water star energies, yet neglect to position your bed so that the bedhead draws in benevolent mountain star energy that is supported in the surrounding landform, you will likely find that while wealth opportunity flows in, your well-being suffers. It’s a reminder that everything has its price and that true harmony requires balance in all facets of our lives. 

Connecting the Dots: Ecology Meets Feng Shui

At the heart of both Ecology and Feng Shui is a profound respect for the environment. While Ecologists study interactions in natural habitats to ensure sustainability, Feng Shui Masters analyse spaces to optimize life energy. Both recognise that short-sighted actions can lead to long-term consequences and balance, sustainability and respect for the natural world around us is essential for harmony and well-being.

In today's world, where our environment is under threat and mental well-being is often at stake, integrating the wisdom of Ecology and Feng Shui can provide a holistic path forward. By understanding and respecting the principles that govern nature and energy, we can create spaces that not only nurture us but also tread lightly on the planet.

Australian Feng Shui Master/Consultant, Derelle Ball can help you enhance the health, wealth and nurturing Feng Shui potential of your home with a detailed user-friendly Feng Shui Report.  For further information click: Off-Site Residential Feng Shui Consultation.  

Posted in 4 laws of ecology, Classical Feng Shui, feng shui, feng shui consultations, feng shui for your bedroom, feng shui health, feng shui landform, feng shui my home

The Fixed Bagua 8 Aspirations Method: A Misconstrued Representation of Authentic Feng Shui

Posted on July 29, 2023 by Derelle Ball

In this article we’ll examine the fascinating field of Feng Shui and debunk some commonly held misconceptions. One of the more prominent misunderstandings is the perceived authenticity of the Fixed Bagua 8 Aspirations Method. While popular in the Western world, this method is not an accurate representation of authentic Feng Shui as practiced and recognized by traditional Feng Shui Masters.

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Posted in Classical Feng Shui, feng shui and the bagua, feng shui consultations, feng shui for luck, feng shui landform, feng shui my home, Feng Shui report, feng shui wealth, fixed bagua

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