Unlocking the Power of Feng Shui: A Joyful Journey to Better Health at Home

Posted on July 09, 2023 by Derelle Ball

Think of Feng Shui as a health-boosting treasure map, pointing us towards specific energy combinations within our homes and surrounding landform that can potentially influence our wellbeing. It's not an absolute determinant; instead, it helps us tap into the 'earth luck' energy, a significant part of our overall luck potential.

However, to truly harness the power of Feng Shui, we must also consider external factors. These include the surrounding landform, your unique Ming Gua and Day Master qi, and your personal 4 Pillars astrology energy. Interactions with the energy within your most-used spaces like your main entry, home office and the Mountain Star qi residing behind your bedhead play a huge role too. But don't worry, you don't have to pack your bags and move to the mountains - we're going to explore how to tap into these energies right where you are!

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Posted in Bagua, chinese astrology, Classical Feng Shui, feng shui, feng shui and 4 pillars, feng shui and the bagua, feng shui consultations, feng shui for luck, feng shui for your bedroom, feng shui front door, feng shui health, feng shui landform, feng shui my home, feng shui protection, Feng Shui report, feng shui tips, feng shui wealth, Space Clearing Brisbane

Harmonizing Home and Self: An Introduction to the Power of Feng Shui

Posted on July 09, 2023 by Derelle Ball

Classical Xuan Kong Feng Shui is about fine-tuning your environment to better align with your personal energy and life path. It goes hand in hand with understanding your individual Heaven Luck (astrological influences) and Mankind Luck (your personal aspirations and interactions). This comprehensive approach provides a road map for navigating life's peaks and valleys more smoothly.

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Posted in Bagua, Classical Feng Shui, feng shui, feng shui and the bagua, feng shui and your main door, feng shui consultations, feng shui for luck, Feng Shui for Property Investors, feng shui for your bedroom, feng shui front door, feng shui health, feng shui landform, feng shui my home, Feng Shui report, feng shui tips, feng shui wealth

Can Feng Shui Make Me a Millionaire?

Posted on June 04, 2012 by Derelle Ball

 Finding wealth through Feng Shui and why the fixed Bagua map is not the answer

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Posted in Bagua, Classical Feng Shui, feng shui and the bagua, feng shui for luck, feng shui my home, Feng Shui report, feng shui wealth, New Age Feng Shui

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