
Feng Shui Tips for Property Investors

Posted on November 14, 2023 by Derelle Ball

There are certain indicators from a Feng Shui perspective if a particular property is more likely to be a problem, simply from the compass orientation of the building itself. Within the 360 degrees of the compass there are certain orientations that increase the probability of issues due to blockage and confusion of qi.  Having a regular rental income flowing in from happy, healthy and financially secure tenants is important for making a long term investment in property work successfully for the property investor and this is where the application of classical Xuan Kong Feng Shui can help (alongside having a great property manager ;-)

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Posted in Classical Feng Shui, Date Selection, feng shui, feng shui for luck, Feng Shui for Property Investors, feng shui harmony, feng shui landform, feng shui my home, Feng Shui report, feng shui wealth

Understanding Qi from a Classical Feng Shui Perspective

Posted on August 27, 2023 by Derelle Ball

At its simplest, Qi (pronounced ‘chee’) can be thought of as 'life force' or 'transformative energy flow'. It is the ethereal essence that circulates through our bodies, our environment, and through the Universe itself. The existence of Qi stems from ancient Chinese philosophy, where it's seen as the vital force that constitutes and animates life.

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Posted in Bagua, chinese astrology, Classical Feng Shui, Date Selection, feng shui, feng shui and 4 pillars, feng shui and the bagua, feng shui for luck, positive energyflow, Qi

The Fixed Bagua 8 Aspirations Method: A Misconstrued Representation of Authentic Feng Shui

Posted on July 29, 2023 by Derelle Ball

In this article we’ll examine the fascinating field of Feng Shui and debunk some commonly held misconceptions. One of the more prominent misunderstandings is the perceived authenticity of the Fixed Bagua 8 Aspirations Method. While popular in the Western world, this method is not an accurate representation of authentic Feng Shui as practiced and recognized by traditional Feng Shui Masters.

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Posted in Classical Feng Shui, feng shui and the bagua, feng shui consultations, feng shui for luck, feng shui landform, feng shui my home, Feng Shui report, feng shui wealth, fixed bagua

Harmonizing Your Home: A Modern Approach to Feng Shui

Posted on July 16, 2023 by Derelle Ball

Feng Shui, translating to 'wind/water', refers to the idea that qi (unseen transformative energy that travels along magnetic pathways in and around the earth) is dispersed by wind and retained by water.   The Feng Shui ideal is to attract positive (sheng) qi via thoughtful design, magnetic orientation, supportive landform and careful placement of water and active elements (such as external doors).

For the contemporary homeowner seeking to benefit from the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui, it would be wise to integrate the study of Xuan Kong Fei Xing Pai (Time-Space Flying Stars School) Feng Shui and San He Landform & Water Methods analysis. Pairing this with an understanding and respect for sustainable development will allow us to live in harmony with our surroundings.

Placing your main entry and regularly used external doorways within a favourable water star location (according to the Xuan Kong Fei Xing Feng Shui natal chart of your home) will ensure productive energy is able to freely enter and circulate within your home.  If there is an active water feature strategically positioned in view of the door, qi connected with abundance opportunity has the potential to accumulate over the long term.

Your home should be designed for the climate and terrain it's built on. When planning your home, consider the land's natural contours, the elliptical path of the sun and surrounding natural resources. Ensure your home allows ample natural light, has good insulation and ventilation, is energy-efficient and supportive of its occupants. Your home, after all, should feel like a sanctuary, a place to rest and recharge.

Remember, we humans thrive in the presence of nature—it restores us and stimulates our creative functions. With Xuan Kong Feng Shui, we can address the unseen energy flow around us and help orient the occupants within a dwelling to benefit from positive, health-boosting qi. 

Mountain star energy is supported by raised landform in the external environment and tends to reside within solid walls and heavy solid furniture.  If you sleep with your bedhead resting against a beneficial mountain star qi that communicates favourably with your personal Ming Gua, then you will be plugging in your internal batteries each night while absorbing beneficial health and relationship energy.

In this tech-driven era, it's also crucial to address electromagnetic radiation (EMR) in our homes. EMR can travel through walls unless there's magnetic shielding in place. Awareness of such potential health hazards is an important step to ensuring the health and well-being of the household.

You should check what is located on the other side of the wall where your bedhead is positioned and avoid situations where you may be affected by an electrical meter box or transformer attached to a large electrical object on the other side of the wall and in line with your bedhead.

Also avoid having your bedhead placed against a wall adjoining a wet area where water pipes reside within the wall cavity. 

Did you know certain indoor plants can help purify the air of toxins found in common household cleaning agents? It's a small addition that can make a world of difference. Don't forget to also allow fresh air to circulate throughout your home regularly by opening windows and doors.

And finally, don't sweat about constant tidiness. Instead, focus on creating a welcoming, warm, and comfortable home.

To assist you on this journey, Feng Shui Master Derelle Ball can provide a comprehensive, user-friendly Feng Shui report to help you enhance your home's potential. For further information click: Off-Site Residential Feng Shui Consultation.  

Posted in Classical Feng Shui, feng shui, feng shui and the bagua, feng shui and your main door, feng shui for luck, feng shui for your bedroom, feng shui health, feng shui landform, feng shui my home, Feng Shui report

Unlocking the Power of Feng Shui: A Joyful Journey to Better Health at Home

Posted on July 09, 2023 by Derelle Ball

Think of Feng Shui as a health-boosting treasure map, pointing us towards specific energy combinations within our homes and surrounding landform that can potentially influence our wellbeing. It's not an absolute determinant; instead, it helps us tap into the 'earth luck' energy, a significant part of our overall luck potential.

However, to truly harness the power of Feng Shui, we must also consider external factors. These include the surrounding landform, your unique Ming Gua and Day Master qi, and your personal 4 Pillars astrology energy. Interactions with the energy within your most-used spaces like your main entry, home office and the Mountain Star qi residing behind your bedhead play a huge role too. But don't worry, you don't have to pack your bags and move to the mountains - we're going to explore how to tap into these energies right where you are!

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Posted in Bagua, chinese astrology, Classical Feng Shui, feng shui, feng shui and 4 pillars, feng shui and the bagua, feng shui consultations, feng shui for luck, feng shui for your bedroom, feng shui front door, feng shui health, feng shui landform, feng shui my home, feng shui protection, Feng Shui report, feng shui tips, feng shui wealth, Space Clearing Brisbane

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