Most feng shui consultants use 4 Pillars astrology as an additional tool that is very useful when determining what is currently happening in an individual's life and which elements and locations around their home, business and property contain additional supportive or negative energy according to the strength of their Day Master, season of birth and the number and yin/yang quality of elements present in their birth chart.
To work out your 4 Pillars birth chart, simply input your time and date of birth in the table showing below. The column representing your Day of birth contains your 'Day Master' at the top of the column which is a key aspect of your birth chart.
If you hear someone say "I'm a Yi Wood Day Master" they will be referring to the top section of their Day Pillar which is known as the Heavenly Stem of the Day Pillar. All the top sections of each pillar are known as Heavenly Stems and they all contain an element and yin (-) or yang (+) component. All the bottom sections of each pillar are known as the Earthly Branches and they list one of the 12 Chinese animal signs. So you can see that while you may have been born in the year of the Zi/Rat, you may also have been born on the day of the Si/Snake and the month of the Yin/Tiger and so on.
Calculate your 4 Pillars Birth Chart
In the table above, the last column on the far right side relates to your current 10 year Luck Pillar which is used to further fine tune analysis of energy flow and how it is currently affecting you via specific combinations, clashes and so on. Don't try to input anything into this column, just input your hour, day, month and year of birth details, your gender and then click "calculate".
The Month and Year columns (known as pillars) correspond to the left side of your body and external features and the Hour and Day pillars correspond to the right side of your body and internal features.
The Year pillar tells us information relating to when you are approx 0-17 yrs old, your head, grandparents, distant relatives, your soul, network of friends and large organisations you may be connected to.
The Month pillar relates to when you are approx 18-35 yrs old, your chest and stomach area, parents, boss, immediate authority/parental figure, career, business and mind.
The Day pillar relates to when you are approx 36-60 yrs old, your self awareness, your partner, intimate relationship, hips, thighs and upper leg area and body in general.
The Hour pillar relates to when you are approx 60+ years old, your children, investments, ambitions, lower legs and feet and your spirit.
Now for some fun stuff. Once you have calculated your 4 Pillars Birth chart using the table above, take note of your Day Master (ie the top section of the Day of birth column) which will be one of the following:
Jia (+Wood), Yi (-Wood), Bing (+Fire), Ding (-Fire), Wu (+Earth), Ji (-Earth), Geng (+Metal), Xin (-Metal), Ren (+Water) or Gui (-Water)
Now look up the list below to read some general character information about your Day Master energy:
The Jia/Yang Wood 甲 aspect of your Day Master indicates you are a dependable, upright, honest, single minded, pragmatic, progressive, straight shooting individual. You keep your cards close to your chest and are likely to be quite competitive. Your inherent stubbornness has the potential to lead to some difficulty adapting to change, however you are still able to self-improve and reach your goals and aspirations through sheer determination and a long-term change management approach. Your greatest strength is your will power and perseverance. Diversification is the key to your success.
You can tap into beneficial growth, learning and development via professional advice, mentoring and/or constructive criticism when Ox (Chou) or Goat (Wei) appear in your current Luck Pillar and also during the Ox (Chou) and Goat (Wei) month and year. If either the Ox (Chou) or Goat (Wei) appears in your 4 Pillars Birth chart, this indicates you were born with luck on your side in regard to helping you connect with the right guidance and assistance when it is most needed.
The Yi/Yin Wood 乙 aspect of your Day Master indicates you possess a charming, witty, considerate, observant, sometimes shy, friendly, well mannered, diplomatic and creative nature. You tend to take the path of least resistance when dealing with other strong-minded people and need to be wary of being taken advantage of, however you are also able to bend under pressure and then bounce back. Your greatest strength is your adaptable and sociable nature. Networking is your key to success.
You can tap into beneficial growth, learning and development via professional advice, mentoring and/or constructive criticism when Rat (Zi) or Monkey (Shen) appear in your current Luck Pillar and also during the Rat (Zi) or Monkey (Shen) month and year. If either the Rat (Zi) or Monkey (Shen) appears in your 4 Pillars Birth chart, this indicates you were born with luck on your side in regard to helping you connect with the right guidance and assistance when it is most needed.
The Ding/Yin Fire 丁 aspect of your Day Master indicates you are flexible, shrewd, a natural motivator, able to help people find their path and illuminate the way for them. You are able to shine and rise to the occasion when needed, while also being able to function on a ‘slow burn’ while working steadily behind the scenes. You are sensitive and prone to peaks and troughs in temperament and have a natural tendency to consider others before yourself. There is likely to be a strong influence via a parental/mentor figure in your life. Your greatest strength is your ability to motivate others and be results oriented. Your key to success is linked to your skill of selling and influencing others.
You can tap into beneficial growth, learning and development via professional advice, mentoring and/or constructive criticism when Boar (Hai) or Rooster (You) appear in your current Luck Pillar and also during the Boar (Hai) or Rooster (You) month and year. If either the Boar (Hai) or Rooster (You) appears in your 4 Pillars Birth chart, this indicates you were born with luck on your side in regard to helping you connect with the right guidance and assistance when it is most needed.
The Bing/Yang Fire 丙 aspect of your Day Master corresponds to the radiant, warming, essential heat from the Sun. This indicates you are generous, compassionate, independent, intelligent, talkative, keen to learn and environmentally conscious. It’s important for you to find your own niche in which to shine. You prefer to be centre stage and in control of your own destiny. Your greatest strength is your passionate and generous nature and your key to success is persistence and perseverance.
You can tap into beneficial growth, learning and development via professional advice, mentoring and/or constructive criticism when Boar (Hai) or Rooster (You) appear in your current Luck Pillar and also during the Boar (Hai) or Rooster (You) month and year. If either the Boar (Hai) or Rooster (You) appears in your 4 Pillars Birth chart, this indicates you were born with luck on your side in regard to helping you connect with the right guidance and assistance when it is most needed.
The Ji/Yin Earth 己 aspect of your Day Master corresponds to the earth and all the rich, nurturing nutrients contained within. You possess an honest, reserved and observant nature and naturally protect and care for those around you. You need to be wary of having your generous, giving nature taken advantage of. You possess inherent talents which will gradually emerge as you develop your sense of self confidence and focus your energy on specific goals and aspirations in life. You are likely to develop the innate ability to predict future trends. Your greatest strength is your nurturing and resourceful nature. Your key to success is your ability to bring resources together.
You can tap into beneficial growth, learning and development via professional advice, mentoring and/or constructive criticism when Rat (Zi) or Monkey (Shen) appear in your current Luck Pillar and also during the Rat (Zi) or Monkey (Shen) month and year. If either the Rat (Zi) or Monkey (Shen) appears in your 4 Pillars Birth chart, this indicates you were born with luck on your side in regard to helping you connect with the right guidance and assistance when it is most needed.
The Wu/Yang Earth 戊 aspect of your Day Master corresponds to a mountain of earth, including rocks and boulders. You are a solid, reliable, reserved, enduring, respected and dependable character while also being an excellent keeper of secrets and a generally deep thinker. You keep your feelings closely guarded and like to think things through before making your next move. You make a formidable enemy and will usually seek to complete what you have started. Your greatest strength is your reliability and trustworthy nature. Your key to success is listening and learning.
You can tap into beneficial growth, learning and development via professional advice, mentoring and/or constructive criticism when Ox (Chou) or Goat (Wei) appear in your current Luck Pillar and also during the Ox (Chou) or Goat (Wei) month and year. If either the Ox (Chou) or Goat (Wei) appears in your 4 Pillars Birth chart, this indicates you were born with luck on your side in regard to helping you connect with the right guidance and assistance when it is most needed.
The Xin/Yin Metal 辛 aspect of your Day Master corresponds to fine metals such as jewellery, daggers, diamonds and gold. You are a complex and intelligent thinker and most likely quite talkative. You are attracted to and enjoy the finer things in life. You will appear quite resilient on the outside, yet inside you are sentimental and value your relationships deeply. Your naturally inquisitive nature usually prevents you from getting tongue tied – in fact you need to be more careful of saying too much and perhaps not listening enough. Your greatest strength is your intellect and creativity and your key to success is your ability to negotiate.
You can tap into beneficial growth, learning and development via professional advice, mentoring and/or constructive criticism when Horse (Wu) or Tiger (Yin) appear in your current Luck Pillar and also during the Horse (Wu) or Tiger (Yin) month and year. If either the Horse (Wu) or Tiger (Yin) appears in your 4 Pillars Birth chart, this indicates you were born with luck on your side in regard to helping you connect with the right guidance and assistance when it is most needed.
The Geng/Yang Metal 庚 aspect of your Day Master corresponds to raw metal, powerful tools and weapons such as the sword, spear and axe. You require discipline, training and focused drive in order to refine your abilities and draw on inner strengths. Justice, fairness and equally shared teamwork are very important to you. You tend to be conservative, sociable, ambitious and not afraid to stand up for yourself. While you are not big on outward displays of emotion, your loyalty and actions speak for you. You are likely to possess inherent talent as a trainer, motivator or life coach to others. Your greatest strength is your competitiveness and diligent nature. Your key to success is in the execution of your plans.
You can tap into beneficial growth, learning and development via professional advice, mentoring and/or constructive criticism when Ox (Chou) or Goat (Wei) appear in your current Luck Pillar and also during the Ox (Chou) or Goat (Wei) month and year. If either the Ox (Chou) or Goat (Wei) appears in your 4 Pillars Birth chart, this indicates you were born with luck on your side in regard to helping you connect with the right guidance and assistance when it is most needed.
The Gui/Yin Water 癸 aspect of your Day Master indicates you are an intuitive, observant, loyal, creative and intelligent thinker. You tend to be rather idealistic, introverted and/or spiritual in your outlook and take to new projects with great enthusiasm. On the surface you appear calm and placid, yet there is also great depth and currents within. Don’t let emotions cloud your judgement. Your enthusiasm and creative genius are wonderful traits and you should develop patience and determination to ensure you complete what you have started. Your greatest strength is your intuitive, fluid and nurturing nature. Your key to success ties in with your intuition and accumulated knowledge.
You can tap into beneficial growth, learning and development via professional advice, mentoring and/or constructive criticism when Rabbit (Mao) or Snake (Si) appear in your current Luck Pillar and also during the Rabbit (Mao) or Snake (Si)) month and year. If either the Rabbit (Mao) or Snake (Si) appears in your 4 Pillars Birth chart, this indicates you were born with luck on your side in regard to helping you connect with the right guidance and assistance when it is most needed.
The Ren/Yang Water 壬 aspect of your Day Master corresponds to deep water (ie lake, river and the ocean). You are always on the go and your thoughts and passions tend to run deep. There is a single-minded intensity about you, and you are able to draw on this inner strength in order to reach your goals and aspirations in life. You can be moody and temperamental at times. You are a creative and adaptable thinker, sociable and draw friendships from many different areas, however you also tend to hide your most important feelings and emotions from all but a small minority of trusted friends and loved ones. Your greatest strength is your intellect and adaptable nature. Your key to success is your ability to steadfastly build up your resources and capital.
You can tap into beneficial growth, learning and development via professional advice, mentoring and/or constructive criticism when Rabbit (Mao) or Snake (Si) appear in your current Luck Pillar and also during the Rabbit (Mao) or Snake (Si)) month and year. If either the Rabbit (Mao) or Snake (Si) appears in your 4 Pillars Birth chart, this indicates you were born with luck on your side in regard to helping you connect with the right guidance and assistance when it is most needed.
Australian Feng Shui Master, Derelle Ball can help you enhance the health, wealth and nurturing Feng Shui potential of your home with a detailed, personalised and user-friendly Feng Shui Report. For further information click: Off-Site Residential Feng Shui Consultation.
Note: if you'd like to know how to enhance your Luck Potential and which elements attract the most luck potential to you at present, please visit: Mini Luck Potential Report.
Image by Julian Ball at